Similarities & Differences

Why this school and not a different one? Great question! See the table below for a brief illustration of the similarities and the differences between the Learning Hub at CFL and mainstream high schools. 

What’s the Same? 

Just like at other high schools, upon successful completion of their Hub coursework, students will graduate from high school with all the necessary requirements for an Alberta High School Diploma. Students may choose to go to post secondary, or into any other career path after their time in the Hub.

What’s Different? 

The high school continuum

High school is treated as a continuum, instead of a strict progression from Grade 10 to Grade 11 to Grade 12. Students will complete regular high school requirements on a flexible schedule that suits each need.

Subjects, courses, and classes

Alberta curriculum is covered through subject area teachers, with the hub teacher working with the student to ensure they are able to be successful with the course and facilitating adaptations and alternatives.

Learning plan personalization

Personal learning plans are co-created by learners, teachers and community partners. Intersection points and emerging needs/goals inform what is done individually and what is done in groups. Students have flexibility in course selection,  pacing, and the community partners they choose to make their learning come alive.

Student goals

Students set academic and wellness goals weekly, with the support of teachers and community partners.

Curriculum design

Learning Hub students begin with outreach or virtual courses, but then are able to fulfill outcomes via alternative ways of learning in collaboration with their teachers.

How learners are grouped

Learners are grouped in whatever configuration makes sense. Sometimes by interest, sometimes by similarity, sometimes by difference. Groupings are dynamic and may sometimes include community members/experts.

Learning environment

Learning will take place where it makes sense for the learning to happen. A variety of learning environments in partnership with the community will be utilized, which could be inside or outside the classroom.

Student activities

Students will be able to take part in new activities presented to them in class, and be encouraged to seek out their own learning opportunities, with teachers available to help guide and create alongside them.


In a traditional high school setting, students typically complete assignments, study, write a series of tests and get the resulting mark.

In this program, students and teachers collaborate to enable the student to achieve their desired mark, continuing to discover, discuss, practice and work on the student's learning until they feel comfortable with the subject and capable of demonstrating their knowledge. Tests and exams will likely be a part of coursework to help prepare students for diploma exams required by the province. There is opportunity for The Learning Hub teacher to work with subject area teachers to ensure the final mark reflects the student’s actual capability.

Connection and contribution to the greater community

Learners are encouraged to develop real-world projects based on their own inquiries, and to access the world outside for mentorship, modelling or ideas for future projects. Opportunities are co-created alongside community to have a positive impact on local or global issues.